Sunkyu Lee
2016 Studies of Painting‚ Kunsthochschule Berlin–Weißensee, Diploma
2013 Studies of Visual Communication Design‚ Hongik University‚ South Korea, Bachelor
o.T. (02), 2020; wood, acrylics, rubber band, 100 x 25 x 2cm, courtesy of the artist
o.T. (03), 2020; wood, acrylics, rubber band, 204 x 42 x 5 cm, courtesy of the artist
o.T., (04), 2020, wood, acrylics, rubber band, 189 x 96 x 1cm, courtesy of the artist
o.T. (01), 2020; wood, acrylics, rubber band, 20 x 31 x 2.5 cm, courtesy of the artist