Martin Pöll
2018 Meisterschüler of Prof. Harald Klingelhöller, Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Künste Karlsruhe
2016 Exchange program, class of Ólafur Gislason, Listaháskóli Ísland, Reykjavík
2012 - 2017 class of Prof. Harald Klingelhöller, Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Künste Karlsruhe
2011 - 2013 Master wood sculptor
2008 - 2011 Provincial Vocational School for Arts and Crafts, Val Gardena
2005 - 2008 Art school Cademia, Val Gardena
Martin Pöll, Ode an eine Seerose IV, 2019, tree resin, lily pad, iron, 2 x 71 x 66cm, Courtesy of the artist
Martin Pöll, Ode an eine Seerose, 2020, tree resin, 3 x 42 x 45cm, Courtesy of the artist
Martin Pöll, Sonne Mond und Sterne, 2019, Plaster, Coccoloba Sheet, variable sieze, Courtesy of the artist
Martin Pöll, Zapfen, 2018, fabric, 90 x 33 x 33cm, Courteys of the artist