Fabian Widukind Penzkofer
*1991 in Schomdorf
2017 - 2023 Studies of Fine Arts at the Staatlichen Akademie der Bildenden Künste Stuttgart
with Prof. Reto Boller, Prof. Andreas Opiolka, Cindy Cordt, Daniel Mijic und Astrid Schindler
Fabian Widukind Penzkofer, Aus der Serie Bots (1), 2022, Embroidery and acrylic paint on fabric, 155 x 92 cm, courtesy of the artist
Fabian Widukind Penzkofer, Aus der Serie Bots (2), 2022, Embroidery and acrylic paint on fabric, 161 x 102 cm, courtesy of the artist
Fabian Widukind Penzkofer, Berglandschaften Alexis K, 2023, Embroidery and acrylic paint on fabric, 74 x 71 cm, courtesy of the artist
Fabian Widukind Penzkofer, Berlandschaften_ MadL, 2023, Embroidery and acrylic paint on fabric, 74 x 76 cm, courtesy of the artist
Fabian Widukind Penzkofer, Bobby B, 2023, Embroidery on fabric, 200 x 104 cm, courtesy of the artist
Fabian Widukind Penzkofer, Futur Drei Aus der Serie Bots, 2023, Embroidery and acrylic paint on fabric, 155 x 92 cm, courtesy of the artist