Andreas Grahl
2014 Studies of Fine Arts, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar
Andreas Grahl; Das Ritual; 2019; ambrotype on fine art paper; 80 x 60cm; Courtesy of the Artist
Andreas Grahl; Altar; 2019; ambrotype on fine art paper; 50 x 40cm; Courtesy of the artist
Andreas Grahl; Der Fall; 2020; ambrotype on fine art paper; 50 x 40cm; Courtesy of the artist
Andreas Grahl; Fliegenstemmen; 2020; ambrotype on fine art paper; 50 x 40cm; Courtesy of the artist
Andreas Grahl; Hero; 2020; ambrotype on fine art paper; 50 x 40cm; Courtesy of the artist
Andreas Grahl; Wasserbüffel; ambrotype on fine art paper; 80 x 100cm; Courtesy of the artist
Anreas Grahl; Gott; 2019; ambrotype on fine art paper; 50 x 40cm; Corutesy of the artist